CITY OF MEXICO, Mexico, oct. 4, 2002.

 Carla Estrada, producing of telenovelas gave us details upon its new Hatred Anniversaries project, us cuentó as goes the process of selection of its elenco.
"Does not yet be ready. I expect that in week or week and average we can summarize the casting, I am very happy with what we have done and with all the people that wants to participate in the telenovela".
Inside the actresses that will participate in this melodrama is found Chantal, and she will do a paper that will not be the classical one villana.
"It is a good one that throws to be antagonistic, but is not the bad evil. In reality all the personages are enough humans that have conflicts problems and that give them courage many things".
Carla Estrada will start the grabación of the telenovela that will be comprised of 160 chapters to mediados of November.

by: Omar Kings Televisa Espectaculos
HEADING:Chantal will be a good villana!!!
Almost ready the elenco of 'BODAS DE ODIO (Anniversaries of Hatred)'